
Our Clients Are Awesome

Today, we sent a ‘Monthly Report’ to our clients. This is the kind of info they should have received: Expected Return: 9.04%, Expected Value in 12 months: \$136.412. Instead we sent something like that: Expected Return: 0.00%, Expected Value in 12 months: \$-14,450,428,383,661.

12 Questions to Discover UpLift

Air travel can sometimes be expensive as some excursions cost more than the typical domestic flight. UpLift is an origination platform that specializes in airline travel lending. They have a well defined niche to improve borrower experience and provide investors with substantial returns.

Chart of the Every Other Tuesday – American Hysteresis

GDP is long used as an indicator of the strength of the economy. If real GDP, that is, the country’s gross domestic product that has been adjusted for inflation, goes up, the economy has grown. Yippie. By this yard stick, the United States has grown considerably since the great recession. Unfortunately, a direct linear graph does not tell the whole story about how the economy is growing over time. We can obtain a clearer picture by looking at the log of GDP over time.